FORT UNCHAGAON Amarthal urf Unchagaon was established by sisodiya/gehlot (Baachal clan) Rajput chief Khadag Singh about 4 centuries ago. The Baachal clan of sisodiya/gehlot Rajputs came from bachban in Mathura (where they still have 42 villages) under Rao Gopal Singh and established fortified village of Farida on the banks of Ganga river. The remains of that fort and inscription of Rao Gopal Singh is still visible. Post the famous revolt of 1857, The Fort Unchagaon was gifted by the British regime to the loyal jatzamindar of Moradabad, Raja Gursahai Singh.

Raja Karan Singh, the grandson of Raja Gursahai Singh, acquired the zamindari upon his death in 1898. He never had children, and when he passed away in 1927, his 10-year-old great nephew Raja Surendra Pal Singh inherited it. When he married the daughter of Rajasthan's Maharaja Kishan Singh of Bharatpur State, the fort underwent a whole renovation in 1933. Today, the fort is a resort.